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Question 51

Views: 5,078

produced. He played the instrument before royalty and everyone was impresaed. The instrument he different from the pungt had to be given a new hame. As the story goes. since if was frst pinyed in the Shah's chambers and was played 'shehnal'. (barbey. the instrument was named the aherimai:
  1. 2. The sound of the shehnai began to be considered auspicious. And for this reason it is still played in temples and is an indispensable component of any brop c Ganga inspire North Indian wedding. In the past, the shehnai was good at were earlier part of the naubat or traditional ensemble of nine ind the age of instruments found at royal courts. Till recently it witho the Allahaba was used only in temples and weddings. The credit pleceys recital. Us for bringing this instrument onto the classical stage dope y's back and goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan.
  2. 3. As a five-year old. Bismillah Khan played gilli-danda onso cknow in near a pond in the ancient estate of Dumraon in there on became Bihar. He would regularly go to the nearby Bihariji conslo hen India g temple to sing the Bhojpuri 'Chaita', at the end of which he would earn a big laddu weighing , a prize given by the local Maharaja. This happened 80 years ago, and the little boy has travelled far to earn the highest civilian award in India - the Bharat Ratna.
  3. 4. Born on 21 Mareh 1916, Bismillah belongs to a well-known family of musicians from Bihar. His grandfather, Rasool Bux Khan, was the shehnainawaz of the Bhojpur king's court. His father, Paigambar Bux, and other paternal ancestors were also great shehnai players.
  4. 22 / Beehive
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