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Work Energy And Power - Physics Questions asked by Filo students

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Help me to tackle class 11
  1. Achyuth pv cachyuthpirategmalcoms to askmeghiwaniggmalicom *
  2. Hello, Achyuth here from Chennai i am presontly studying class 11 and almost it is going to ond in a month or so. I havo wasted my wholo class i havo not joined ary it joe coaching as I thought I could not handle the stress of it. Still am unablo to manago my school lovel oxams. I am unable to do any sums and I foel demotivatod wholo time i wanted time by seeing motivational video that I bocamo addictod to watching thoso vidoos instoad of taking action and procooding furthor I do not havo a daily routine. I do not have much friends because I am extremo introvert. I don't ask doubts or solvo any sums ijust can't handlo the stross and my health is also worsening l am too Lary lo a chango and come back to my same routine. I am not able to focus or do anything I also lack lot of shils am so odd from others. I started to compare mrseif with others have no motivation to do anything. I just need a daily routine about how to plan and roviso things.
  3. Pleaso try to holp me
  4. Aso my interest is also closoly inclined to businoss and from cass 10 i was trading crypto and stocks studying about it and my interest was loaned towards businosios But due to some reason I chose computer science group in my school so I could not share my intorost and build towards it. This way my mind was half wavery sort of and couldn do beth of them as of now. I am also extremo introvert and do not have much friends trom my childhood i was baroly taking to anyone even with parents I tak loss. I am in a frenzy situation pls try to help me
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